United DFC Soccer introduces a unique program designed for teenagers to come together and enjoy soccer with friends, fostering inclusivity regardless of gender, experience, or skill level. Whether a seasoned player or new to soccer, everyone is invited to join in this inclusive and gender-neutral environment. Our program creates a welcoming space where youth can freely engage in kick-around soccer, free from judgement or gender-related constraints. Join us once a week for camaraderie, skill-building, and pure soccer enjoyment.
This is a kick around session for teens/ preteens (just soccer games). Newcomers welcome!!
U11-16 The age group is flexible as long as the participant can safely play with the other participants.
What does the Winter Safe Space Program Schedule Consist of?
Email susans@udfc.ca for information or to try Safe Space before registering.
There are no tryouts. All teens/pre-teens are welcome!
November 27 - practice
December 4 - NO SOCCER (gym not available)
December 11 - Last session before the Holidays
December 19- January 1 NO SOCCER (gym not available)
January 8- practice
January 15- practice
January 22- practice
January 29- practice
February 5- practice
February 12- practice
February 19- practice
February 26- practice
The program will be run by staff and supported by volunteers. This is a kick around session.